The Quareia Magical Training Course
The Quareia western magical training course is spread over three sections: Apprentice, Initiate, and Adept. Each section has ten modules, and each module has eight lessons. It is considered the most extensive, in-depth, and intelligent up to date magical training course that is currently available worldwide. The methods, information and techniques in the course enable the magician to engage any form of magic and work with it appropriately with the full knowledge of how that magic works, why it works and what is behind it.
The entire course is available for free download on the Quareia website, and Quareia Publishing has made the course available in book and Ebook form.
The Quareia Apprentice book is the first of three sections of the Quareia course, and covers every module in the Apprentice section.
The lessons are detailed: each lesson has a very practical application which in turn develops the ‘magical muscle’ within the magician, thus preparing them for the power they will be exposed to in subsequent study sections.. It is designed to be self-taught, with every detail and step assigned carefully and practically. By the end of this section, the apprentice will have all the skills, knowledge, and strength to take on the challenge of the next stage of training.
Available in hardback, paperback and Ebook form from most internet retailers including Barnes&Noble, Walmart, WHSmith, amazon
Quareia Initiate
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Quareia Adept
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The Apprentice Study Guide
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The Quareia Initiate book is the second of three sections of the Quareia course, and covers every module in the Initiate section.
The modules of the Initiate section include study/practice modules covering the subjects of Exorcism, Power Dynamics of Creation, Deities, Angels and Demons, Magical Healing, Core Initiate Skills, Beings of the Land, Birth, Death and the Underworld, and the Preparation for Adepthood. By the end of this section, the Initiate will have all of the skills, knowledge and strength to take on the final challenge of the Adept stage of training.
Available in hardback, paperback and Ebook form from most internet retailers including Barnes&Noble, Walmart, WHSmith, and amazon
The Quareia Adept book is the third and final of three sections of the Quareia course, and covers every module in the Adept section.
The modules of the Adept section include study/practice modules cover subjects including: Adept Exorcism, Planetary Power, Advanced Magical Patterns, Magical Construction, Advanced Death and the Underworld, Working with Power, Teaching Methods, and Becoming the Adept. By the end of this section, the Adept will have all of the skills, knowledge and strength to step out into the world as a fully trained Adept.
Available in hardback, paperback and Ebook form from most internet retailers including Barnes&Noble, Walmart, WHSmith, and amazon
The Apprentice Study Guide is a small book that helps the student navigate the rigours of early magical training, and specifically the Quareia training.
The Study Guide outlines the ethos and methodology of Quareia training, while also looking at subjects such as common magical study issues, advice on how to approach magical training, common difficulties with meditation, tarot training and approaching visionary magic.
It is also a handy companion guide to anyone setting out on any western magical training path, as the issues addressed are ones common to most forms of magical training.
Available in hardback, paperback and Ebook form from most internet retailers including Barnes&Noble, Walmart, WHSmith, and amazon
It also available for free download on the Quareia website, which also has the course in its entirety freely available for viewing or free download with nothing to sign up for. The Apprentice Study guide can be found on the free books page along with many other free books, articles and essays.